Knox Association WMU Quarterly Meeting, East Barbourville Baptist Church
East Barbourville Baptist ChurchKnox Association WMU Quarterly Meeting, East Barbourville Baptist Church
Knox Association WMU Quarterly Meeting, East Barbourville Baptist Church
Hometown Bank Varsity Club to Chattanooga
Barbourville City School Retired Teachers Luncheon, Old Time Grill, Corbin
Knox County Fiscal Court Meeting, Courthouse
Soap Making with Jennifer Smith, Knox Ext. Office, 546-3447
4-H Rabbit Club, (ages 9-17), Knox Ext. Office, 546-3447
KY WMU State Executive Board Meeting, Louisville
Wood Carving, Knox Ext. Office, 546-3447
Farmer’s Market, Knox County Ext. Pavilion
Laugh & Learn, Knox Ext. Office, 546-3447
Knox School Board of Education Meeting, School Annex
Five nights of Freddie @ Knox Drive In, Adult Costumes can be worn